Food Recipe

“The World’s Whipped Coffee” Recipe

So here it is– the world sees it on TikTok under a certain name and attributes it to South Korea (Dalgona). As a brown person, I think… Nescafe whipped desi coffee in India and Pakistan (just a cold version?), and the Greeks are wiping their phones with Windex trying to discern how their beloved frappe was stolen.

But, everyone… you are missing the point. The perfect thing about our crazed Corona filled world right now, is that we needed something to unite us….

Image result for dalgona coffee
(photo by Times of India, to prove my point… this is the world’s coffee)

Enter what I will dub “The World’s Whipped Coffee”


3 Tablespoons Instant Coffee

3 Tablespoons Sugar

3 Tablespoons HOT Boiled Water

1.5 Cup Cold Milk


  1. Add the coffee, sugar and boiling water in a bowl that you can whip or mix.
  2. Depending on hand whipping vs. electric mixers, mix between 5-15 minutes until a nice thick concoction that looks like heaven’s peaks forming.
  3. Add milk into a large glass, and add ice cubes (not necessary, barista), then place the whipped coffee on top.
  4. Swirl (a LOT), and sip! TIP: I found that throwing the milk in with the whipped coffee was perfectly acceptable (and I love loopholes).
  5. Finally, make world peace